By Hari Raya Nyepi, most Hindus in Bali Melis ceremony, which is still Mekiyis or Melasti Nyepi is a series of ceremonies. Melasti implemented by most Hindus and not entirely, because it's tradition or mekiyis Melis itself is not implemented simultaneously. Everything is custom tailored to the evolving tradition respective regions. While Hindus in the southern hemisphere such as the Badung Bali, Denpasar and Gianyar, Melasti more done 3 days before Nyepi. Start the morning until late afternoon confirmed that there are beaches in the three regions will be met by thousands of Hindus who ngiring sesuhunan respectively.
As a series of Hari Raya Nyepi Melasti have a very broad meaning and depth. In the ejection Aji Swamandala mentioned;''Melasti Ngarania prawatek anganyutaken laraning Gods universe, papa klesa, letuhing Bhuwana''. This sentence means that the Melasti is meant for people suffering menghayutkan (laraning universe), meghilangkan suffering (papa klesa) and the defilement of the universe (letuhing Bhuwana). This is realized by ngiring sacred symbols into the sources of water such as sea, river or lake. Meanwhile, in the Papyrus Sunarigama Melasti mentioned about the purpose of "amet sarining Amertha Kamandalu telenging ring soon" which means take the sari-sari middle of ocean life.
Melasti ceremony conducted by a group of people who have sungsungan temple. Sacred symbols such as pretima or pecanangan manifestation of the gods worshiped in a temple of God are gathered and in-stana out in traditional village Pura Bale Agung concerned. At the time specified in marching or in Bali called mapeed, all sacred symbols carried into water sources such as sea, river or lake. At the edge of the water source, Melasti ceremony followed by a procession taking the holy water to cleanse the means of ceremonies including Jempana and barong. In this ceremony held together praying. After praying with all the means of ritual and barong taken back to the temple.
This manuscript two quotations, it is very clear meaning that as the Melasti ritual to remind mankind of the meaning of purpose of his life on this earth. God has created a variety of natural resources as a vehicle and means of life for mankind to live on this earth. To live on this earth should use natural juices of God's creation. This means that should be avoided exploiting these natural resources excessively. To do that, humanity is motivated by sacred rites each year with Melasti ceremony. From Papyrus quote above, then the Melasti that there are four targets, namely:
1. Ngiring Prawatek Gods. It means developing an attitude to continuously strengthen sraddha bhakti and obedient to the guidance of the holy God of Gods light. Hindus in Bali did Melasti ceremony by performing a religious procession in Bali called mapeed to perform pilgrimage to the sources of water such as sea and river or other springs that are considered sacred in Hindu religious values. When the sacred journey with mapeed that people are expected to perform bhakti in the Lord with the manifestation of Gods sacred symbols that pass in front of his house or prayer meetings are now already on the edge of the sea or river.
2. Anganyutaken Laraning Jagat. This means that the Melasti ceremony motivated people to awaken our spiritual rituals to try to eliminate Laraning Jagat (Social care). Jagat Laraning term is indeed hard to find a counterpart so he would not lose their meaning. Jagat said Lara and well-understood by the Hindus in Bali. Lara is somewhat similar to life miserable. Only the so-called Lara is not solely the poor material. Many also the rich, powerful, highly educated people, descendants of aristocratic life Lara. The rich use their wealth to arouse the passions of life of indulgence. The power of the media used to develop the ego to bersombong-sombongria, or using power for personal gain rather than dredge to serve those who suffer. Similarly, many scientists have become arrogant because they feel self-smart. Many people are also rising-ninggikan kewangsaannya. Negative traits that will cause disharmony in society. Happens to eliminate Laraning Jagat should actualized to eliminate the source of suffering people both Niskala and that is Sekala.
3. Papa Anganyutaken Klesa. The Pinandita and Pandita in delivering Hindu Religious Ceremonies always say Mantram: Om Papa Klesa Winasanam. Mantram is almost never forgotten. Mantram meaning is: Oh God may it destroy their dwelling Klesa Papa. Living the "papa" is caused by klesa properties that dominate the human self. About Klesa as five negative forces carried by the element Predana already explained at the front of this paper. Five klesa (Awidya, Asmita, Raga, Dwesa and Abhiniwesa) is what must be overcome for this life do not become destitute. The poor live is life goes way beyond the line of Dharma is to bring people further away from God.
4. Anganyuntaken Letuhing Bhuwana. What is meant by Bhuwana that "Letuh" is unsustainable nature. Letuh dirty means physically and spiritually. Or in terms Sarasamuscaya called Hita Abhuta unsustainable natural means. Bhuta means that there are elements. Bhuta were five so-called Panca Maha Bhuta. Five Bhuta are: earth, Apah, wind, Teja and akasa. The five elements of nature that is what we must guard their welfare. Do five Bhuta elements that disturbed continuity. Become Melasti ceremony that is to plant these philosophical values, so that everyone is motivated to do three steps in his life in a conscious and planned as a form of devotion to God.
Melasti Ceremony will surely become redundant when our devotion to God is not manifested to reorganize itself by making the information on religion as a force to transform itself eliminate the Panca Klesa. Of self-change that, we increase our awareness on social improvement (Social Care), called "Anganyutaken laraning universe." Next Melasti to motivate people to do environmental conservation efforts.
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